Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Cask of Amontillado: A Response Essay

“It’s so funny how children want to grow up so quickly, but, by the time they do; they’d wish they were little children again.”  You know, I miss being a kid, I miss being forced to take afternoon naps, I miss getting to play all day long with no exams or deadlines to worry about, but most of all, I miss getting to forgive so easily.  

Before, no matter how much I have fought with a person today, no matter how I tripped because of him, no matter how much of my ‘favorites’ he snatched, the next time I see him, we will be friends again, happy, playing out in the garden. It has only been a few years, yet seemingly, time has made me capable of carrying so much bitterness and anger upon my shoulders, but still, while keeping my head up high. Slowly, accepting "sorry-s" had been so tough; it had been so hard to forgive.

The thing that worries me the most though, is that one day, I might be like Montressor in the Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe- consumed and destroyed by the hostility and wrath he failed to let go of. I am afraid that one day my heart will push off all the love and forgiveness reached out to me. However, hopefully not, and I am just thankful that this story had awakened me to that thought, and despite being a story of revenge, it showed me the essence of forgiveness.

The best part of a Telenovela or any series is when the protagonist enslaved all her life, finally stands up and gets back at those who once stepped on her; but really, what is the point of revenge? Does it surely make you a better, stronger, and wiser person, or is it for mere personal satisfaction? Revenge is the opposite of forgiveness; it gets you into thinking that you are getting back what has been taken from you, when in fact, you are just killing yourself more.

I have always been fond of revenge though, it thrills and contents me so much when the characters finally become smart enough to realize they’ve been stepped on for too long and it is time to get up and to get back. And guess what, for so long I have tried to turn these movie revenges to reality; of course not as intense as the cliché’ kiss on the foot, plane explosions, house fires, shootings, and all that, I have done my revenge by not talking to people aka giving them the INFINITY SPACE they are asking for and snobbing them when they need me the most (cause who are they to deserve my time and my skillz AHAHA JK) Okay, but honestly, as childish as it may sound, I did do that, and it was fun….. Well, for some time at least. Because at a certain point you will realize that you are more than that and you would just have to forgive them.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not telling you to just FORGIVE, FORGIVE, FORGIVE. Of course, you will have to weigh things first, because sometimes, people would also have to endure the pain of their mistakes for them to grow and to learn. Anyways, if the issue is not really a matter of life and death, and you know you still have the right consciousness, don’t worry, you’ll be fine.

As I see it, Edgar Allan Poe’s Cask of Amontillado- as creepy, serious, and vengeful as it is, contrastingly, has one simple goal- to make us realize the importance of forgiveness in our lives. That despite our age, experiences, and all the knowledge we’ve collected, we should still know when to be childlike--- simple, joyful, loving, and forgiving.

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