Friday, December 11, 2015

Appointment with Love: A Response Essay

Was it the way the way he makes you smile, the way his eyes sparkle as he talks about something he is truly passionate about; was it the simple things he does- like bringing  you ice cream when you are about to explode and telling you everything’s going to be alright; was it when he believes in you and tells you, you can do it, because he loves you as you are; was it how you feel so secure when you are with him because it feels as if his presence acts like angel’s wings hugging you so tightly; was it the happiness you get just by being with him, without words, without touch, just being there and yet still feeling the luckiest, or was it merely the way that you guys are just too cool and awesome together, you feel like- this must be 'love'?

Love truly comes in many forms. It is easy to be in love, but staying? Hmm, probably not; but Sulamith Ish Kishor’s "Appointment with Love" - the story of penpal lovers Lieutenant Blandford and Hollis Meynell, mutually blank of one another’s appearance, as they meet for the first time- proves to us that committing to your other half is not a piece of cake, but it still is possible.

As unique individuals with distinct minds and hearts, we define our “dream guy” or “dream girl” differently; and though we may include stuff like ‘caring, thoughtful, loyal’ and all that, we cannot deny the fact that how he or she looks like, moves like, and dresses like is also in that “my perfect other list.” However, how if you guys never met? How if the only way you maintained that connection was through text messages, emails, or like in the ‘Appointment with Love,’ handwritten letters with no pictures added at all? By the time you finally see each other; will you still accept him or her disregarding the appearance?

           Well, that is the great thing about “Appointment with Love,” it is enlightening and commendable to readers from different walks of life and love as it conveys to us with the real meaning of true love, the essence of occasionally testing a relationship, and the significance of valuing the choices we make.

      As cliché as it may sound, true love is blind and it surpasses any physical boundaries. This was shown in the story when Blandford was asking for her picture and Meynell said, "If your feeling for me has any reality, any honest basis, what I look like won't matter. Suppose I'm beautiful. I'd always be haunted by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that, and that kind of love would disgust me. Suppose I'm plain, then I'd always fear that you were going on writing to me only because you were lonely and had no one else.” Another was when Blandford still asked the old, plump lady for dinner, valuing the 13 months that she had been there for him rather than her age and what she looks like.

          A little red rose on her suit lapel and a book entitled ‘Of Human Bondage’ tucked in his arms. Those were their clues in identifying each other, so when Hollis Meynell decided to test Lieutenant Blandford by wearing a crimson rose on her lapel instead of what they agreed upon and begged the old lady to wear the red rose instead, Meynell actually delivered that testing relationships is important for it will prove the strength of his love and will make the relationship stronger, and it did when Blandford still asked the old lady for dinner, despite the young and beautiful lady who just passed by and called his attention.

      It could have all gone wrong; Blandford might have not approached the old lady anymore and just went home. Meynell in the restaurant might have been waiting for nothing for hours. That event might have been the end to the ‘love’ they once believed was true. The point is, that ‘sad story ending’ might have been caused by a small and simple decision. Therefore, that possibility only shows us why we must value what we choose to do every single day and second of our lives; because it counts, it really does. Let me tell you a secret, “In life, it is the little things that matter.”

To wrap it up, I say that ‘Appointment with Love’ by Sulamith Kishor, with all its lessons about life and love- what true love is, the importance of testing relationships, and the worth of treasuring the choices we go for, makes the story very inspirational, heart- touching, and worthy of reading. Not just that, it is also because, like the little things in life, it too counts.

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