Saturday, October 10, 2015

No Homework on Weekends: A response essay

           I have one response to this: an unfaltering Y-E-S!

           No home works on weekends? I couldn't agree more, I feel you to whoever you are!

          Written in a simple and entertaining language, this essay written by a co- high school learner is highly relatable to elementary, high school and college students alike.

           The author is pretty strong on his stand against home works on weekends as he presents multiple well- articulated arguments that contest the reasons why there should be. His points are also hard to disagree with and will definitely compel you to somewhat "debate" with your teacher when he makes you do this and that on a Friday or any last day of an ultra hectic week.

           For example, some claim that giving home works on weekends is a must, so that the brain continues to run and "work out". But, the author fights that thought by saying that weekends are the best time to do sports and exercise, however, having home works to accomplish, stops students from going outside to play, therefore, they end up becoming fat.

          Next, the essayist argues that though home works on weekends develop responsibility and great working habits on students, it is nevertheless, better to do school work at school because of better equipment and concentration there for at home, it is challenging to ask our teachers and classmates questions for clarification and it is harder to focus at home when all you can think about is playing computer games or sleeping the whole day.

          Furthermore,  there are also those who say that spending time doing homework on weekends does not hurt anyone and that students have a lot of free time anyways, to spend however they want. In spite of this, the writer still gets to defend his stand by pointing out that that free time on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays should be for family time like watching a movie with your siblings or going to the mall with your family and to rest and recharge for the week ahead.

The reasons the author has given are logical and convincing and the whole thing is undoubtably "HUGOT." So, I just hope that the piece will really grab the hearts of those teachers who just love making their 'an inch near to zombie' students cry every Friday... :( HAHAHAHUHUHU

           But seriously, no home works on weekends please!


Deep Web: A personal response essay

It is true that not all things and people we think are right are right. Not all things and people we think are wrong are wrong. We must keep in mind: Everything and everyone has a story from behind.

Those are just three of the many statements that I agreed with after watching the Deep Web, a 2015 film by Alex Winter- which I must say is very informative, eye- opening and totally worth watching!

         The documentary shows the audience that the way things appear is not always how they truly are. For instance, in the film's case, an average individual is most likely unaware that aside from pages from common search engines like Google, there are several unindexed sites used for banking, confidential activities and even for drug trading.

Also, it presents things that a majority of us have yet to be knowledgeable about, like Darknet or Bitcoin or how prejudicial and unconstitutional the government is. Okay, just kidding, we already knew the latter. But then again, the nice thing about this movie is that it delves into the so called "justice" given by the government, which is pretty great because it just makes you realize that things are not always made fair, even by the one who should be modelling it to its people.

         The only thing I found in need of a bit of twitching was that the film was more on Ross Ulbricht- a guy who was said to be the mastermind of the Silk Road, a site involved in drug selling and his case- how he was sentenced with life imprisonment and the like.

I guess it could’ve been better if the documentary shed greater light on the Deep Web - like how it works, its components and etc., because that is the title of the film anyways, and if unlike me, you are familiar with this topic even before watching, then you would certainly expect to learn a lot more about the Deep Web itself.

However, the movie as a whole remains to be interesting, enlightening, and I must say, quite a good one. To add to that, who even knew that there are things like Darknet or Bitcoin and all those "unindexed" stuff? I mean I didn't, till I watched the Deep Web, so I recommend you do the same!

Gettysburg Address: A personal response essay

Death is inevitable. Countless numbers die every day, yet souls dying for a purpose are a different story- deserving only the utmost honour and recognition possible. In 1863, on the battlefield near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, many had offered their lives for the freedom of their country; and as the President of the United States of America, it was only right for Abraham Lincoln to praise the heroes of the nation, and through the Gettysburg Address, he did, splendidly. The speech was eloquently delivered, it was pithy and well-structured and most importantly, highly relatable even to the simple and modern man.

I must also say that I cannot really note of a remarkable flaw on the Gettysburg Address, for I believe it is great as it is.

I first heard the Gettysburg Address through a recording in our English class and I am really glad I did. That time it touched my ears, reached my heart and spread a tingly feeling all around me, was just awesome and unforgettable. And so, what more, being there, November 19, 1863 on the battlefield near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA, listening to the great Abraham Lincoln himself? Well that, would probably be a pure "woahh." 

Lincoln was pretty eloquent in delivering the Gettysburg Address and the way he incorporated his deep and moving voice, without question, brought out full on the emotions, power and meaning of the speech intended for the event. It makes the listener feel his sincerity and dedication to every word that comes out of his mouth, which is undoubtedly worth emulating.

The speech was pithy and well-structured in a way that each word was carefully chosen, each line makes you feel something and the speech as a whole was concise yet definitely powerful. In addition, it was meaty and served different purposes. It didn’t just recognize and sympathize; it inspired, moved and also reminded the people of how the nation should be and what democracy is, which is “the government of the people by the people for the people.”

Lastly, the Gettysburg Address is highly relatable even to the simple and modern man because it integrates numerous values and lessons to our lives. It signifies the importance of remembering those who had given their lives so that we can have what are enjoying now- freedom and democracy. And more than remembering, it too, reminds us to continue the legacies of these heroes so that their sacrifices will not perish and go in vain.

As the Gettysburg Address states, “The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here,” and with all the people the speech touched, moved did, it will truly be remembered for its eloquent delivery, power and content and last and foremost, the lessons it gives to every ear it flows into.